Thursday, March 1, 2007


taonga meaning treasure or thing of importance

view down the hill from our front door

I am spending my days shopping for bits and pieces that we need around the home, and doing research for a job application which is coming up. Our house is tidy, and quite pleasant. We are looking forward to bulking up with some furniture for upstairs and some dining room chairs. We are sitting on garden chairs at the moment!

I have been in touch with a local builder who is converting a Dominican Priory into a Motel. We think he is working for the same people who run the Brother's hotel here in Dunedin, which was also a monastery prior to its current use. Ellen is a fan of the Brother's and so I might see if I can get some experience working on the restoration of the priory. It sounds like an interesting job. Currently I am hoping to get an interview with the local council for a job.

We have decided on February 9th of next year for our wedding. This means that the weather will be reasonably better than January. More settled at least. We are hoping to confirm the venues over the next week or so. It is all quite exciting.

1 comment:

Pipsywoo said...

I do hope you can understand that I may have to turn to the world of prostitution to raise funds for my trip to see Ellen in a white dress, of course I mean in the pimping term and not actually selling myself...but we will see.

I look forward to the long haul flight. Yeah!